Malagasy Scoliidae recorded by PREP as flower visitors

最新バージョン Centre National de Recherches sur l'Environnement により出版 9月 5, 2023 Centre National de Recherches sur l'Environnement
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"Malagasy Scoliidae recorded by PREP as flower visitors" reports the Scoliidae specimens recorded and collected by members of the project team and kept at the Museum of Evolution - EBC - Uppsala University but reported here as observation data. Duplicates of these specimens are deposited at the PBZT - Antananarivo. The data was digitized By B. Pettersson. There where verbatimCoordinates is provided the geographic location was directly acquired with a GPS, there where, otherwise, the coordinates were inferred from google map (googlemap) or google map and of aquaitance of the area (Google+). The data set contain 164 records grouped into 18 species belonging to ten (10) genera and 18 species.

PREP stands for Plant Reproductive Ecology Project and was a joint project between a Swedish team from the Department of Systematic Botany - Uppsala University and a Malagasy team from the Department of Plant Biology and Ecology (DBEV) - Faculty of Science - Antananarivo University and the National Centre for Environmental Research (CNRE). This project was aiming to documenting Malagasy plants and pollinators relationship.

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Occurrence; metadata; Observation


Jaona Ranaivo
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Po Box 1739 Antananarivo
101 Antananarivo
Lars Anders Nilsson
  • 連絡先
  • 研究代表者
Teacher - Researcher
Department of Systematic Botany - Uppsala University
Museum of Evolution, EBC, Uppsala University, Norbyvagen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, SWEDEN
SE-752 36 Uppsala
Uppsala county
Borge Pettersson
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Department of Systematic Botany - Uppsala University
SE-752 36 Uppsala
Uppsala county
Lars Anders Nilsson
  • 連絡先
  • 研究代表者
Department of Systematic Botany - Uppsala University
Museum of Evolution, EBC, Uppsala University, Norbyvagen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, SWEDEN
SE-752 36 Uppsala
Uppsala county
Lars Jonsson
  • データ提供者
Department of Systematic Botany - Uppsala University
SE-752 36 Uppsala
Uppsala county
Elisabeth Rabakonandrianina
  • 論文著者
Teacher Researcher
Department of Plant Biology and Biochemistry - Faculty of Science - Antananarivo university
Jean Jacques Randriamanindry
  • データ提供者
Department of Plant Biology and Biochemistry
101 Antananarivo
Rotaharivelo Razananaivo
  • データ提供者
Département de Biologie et EcologieVégétale - Faculté des Science - Université d'Antananarivos
Eugénie Rasoanandrasana
  • データ提供者
Département de Biologie et EcologieVégétale - Faculté des Science - Université d'Antananarivos


The PREP carried out in Madagascar, mainly the regions of Analamanga, Alaotra Mangoro, Antsinanana, Itasy, Vakinankaratra, Vatovavy, Fitovinany and Menabe. We used as stateProvince the new administrative division (region)

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-25.76, 42.979], 北 東 [-11.91, 50.581]


This resource is about Scoliidae specimens collected on flowers by PREP between 1983 and 1989. This family is poorly known and, so far, the most complete description is that of G. Schulten and A. Pauly (Schulten G. & Pauly A., in prep. Scoliidae de Madagascar.) which web page ( is under construction. Ten (10) genera split into 18 species were observed.

Family Scoliidae (Scoolids)
Genus Campsomeriella, Enigmatimeris, Hitfoidra, Insulascolia, Liacos, Lobhargita, Madacampsomeris, Madascolia, Stiboranna, Vadonmeris


開始日 / 終了日 1983-01-01 / 1989-12-31


The Plant Reproductive Ecology Project (PREP) was a joint project by a Swedish team from the Department of Systematic Botany - Uppsala University and a Malagasy team from the Department of Plant Biology and Ecology (DBEV) - Faculty of Science - Antananarivo University and the National Centre for Environmental Research (CNRE).

タイトル Plant Reproductive Ecology Project
識別子 PREP
ファンデイング The project was mainly funded by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council from 1983 to 1989
Study Area Description The project was carried out in many regions of Madagascar from 1983 to 1989.
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) PREP was aimed at shedding light to Malagasy plants anthecology: phenology, anthesis, breeding systems, pollens transfer mecanisms, flower visitors diversity; careful observations of these organisms were carried out in order to assessing their efficiency as pollinators. All flower visitors (mammals, birds, insects) were recorded but only insects were sampled. One part of insects pinned specimens is deposited at the Museum of Evolution - EBC - Uppsala (the numbers here recorded) and duplicates are kept at the insects repository of PBZT, Tsimbazaza - Antananarivo. Where needed, species specimens were sent for identification/description.


Lars Anders Nilsson
  • 研究代表者
  • データ提供者
Borge Pettersson
  • データ処理者
Jean Jacques Randriamanindry
  • メタデータ提供者
Lars Jonsson
  • データ提供者
Emile Randrianjohany
  • データ提供者
Herizo Randriambanona
  • データ利用者


Every flower visitors observed during the anthesis were recorded and insect samples were caught with insect net. One part of the caught was conserved at the Museum of Evolution - EBC - Uppsala University and duplicates were left at the insects repository of PBZT

Study Extent The sensus was carried out in different regions of Madagascar and all taxa of the flower visitors observed throughout the anthesis. Insects specimens were collected for further identification and/or morphological study.
Quality Control The Scoliidae family of Madagascar is poorly known and, anyway, Catalogue of life includes only two monophiletic genera so far. Our specimens were kindly identified by Schulten G. and Pauly A. who are, so far, the taxonomic authority for the family in Madagascar ( Two (02) specimens of the Swedish collections served respectively as holotype for Madascolia nilsoni and for Insulascolia angavokelyae and four (4) as paratype for the first species.

Method step description:

  1. Visitors behaviour were carefully observed to assessing their efficiency as pollinators (do they effectively touch the stigma, do they move between plants,...). Specimens were collected, pinned and stored in insects boxes. Some specimens were sent to specialists for further identification if needed. The visited plants are recorded as welll.


  1. Nilsson, L.A.; Jonsson, L.; Rason, L.; Randrianjohany, E. 1985: Monophily and pollination mechanisms in Angraecum arachnites Schltr. (Orchidaceae) in a guild of long-tongued hawk-moths (Sphingidae) in Madagascar. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 26: 1-19.
  2. Nilsson, L. A.; Jonsson, L.; Rason, L.; Randrianjohany, E. 1985 :Pollination of Plectranthus vestitus (Lamiaceae) by trap-lining hovering bees in Madagascar. Plant Systematics and Evolution 150, pp. 223-36.
  3. Nilsson, L.A.; Jonsson, L.; Rason, L.; Randrianjohany, E. 1986: The pollination of Cymbidiella flabellata (Orchidaceae) in Madagascar: A system operated by sphecid wasps. Nordic Journal of Botany 6(4): 411-22
  4. Nilsson, A., Jonsson, L., Ralison, L., & Randrianjohany,E. ; 1987. Angraecoid orchids and hawk –moths in Central Madagascar : specialized pollination systems and generalist foragers. Biotropica 19(4) : 310 – 318.
  5. Nilsson, L. A., Rabakonandrianina, E. 1988: Hawk-moth scale analysis and pollination specialization in the epilithic Malagasy endemic Aerangis ellisii (Reichenb. fil.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 97(1): 49-61.
  6. Nilsson, L. A., Rabakonandrianina, E. 1988: Chemical signaling and monopolization of nectar resources by territorial Pachymelus limbatus (Hymenoptera Anthophoridae) male bees in Madagascar. Journal of Zoology, London 215: 475-489.
  7. Pettersson, B. 1989: Pollination in the African species of Nervilia (Orchidaceae). Lindleyana 4(1): 33-41 Nilsson, L. A.,Jonsson, L. 1985 : The pollination specialization of Habenaria decaryana H. Perr. (Orchidaceae) in Madagascar. Adansonia 2 : 161-166.
  8. NILSSON, L.A. ; RABAKONANDRIANINA, E. ; PETTERSSON, B. ; RANAIVO, J., 1990 : "Ixoroid" secondary pollination by small moths in The Malagasy treelet Ixora platythirsa (Rubiaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 170 : 161-175.
  9. RANAIVO, J. 1990 : Pollinisation et rendement en graines chez Coffea canephora Pierre (Rubiaceae) : Mode de présentation des fleurs dans le temps. Archives du CNRE N° 2 : 35-41
  10. Nilsson, L. A.; Rabakonandrianina, E.; Razananaivo, R. & Randriamanindry, J.J., 1992. Long pollinia on eyes: hawk-moth pollination of Cynorkis uniflora Lindley (Orchidaceae) in Madagascar. Vol. 109 (1), pp. 145-160.
